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Siemens PLC (in-)Security

A lot of people think that the PLC security is really high. That’s something that we have ear continnuosly year after year and it’s something that it’s in the current

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Cloning Amazon Go…Hands detection (4/5)

Introduction The objective in this step was to perform hand detection (an essential objective to detect the picking) directly from a video camera, with which I made a prototype capable

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Cloning Amazon Go…Object Detection (3/5)

Introduction The objective that I set to myself was to perform object detection directly from a video camera, so I made a prototype capable of reading from any video camera

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If you turn back before you can put your nose against it, then you’re giving up

Yes, it is true, and it applies to many areas of life … The other day during my holidays and as a climber for many years and having grown up

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Talent is Overrated

Or put another way, talent is not enough. Why is being hardworking and intelligent not enough to become someone with excellent performance?. We do not usually pay attention to things

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Cloning Amazon Go…(2/5)

First steps My first step was to search some library with TensorFlow C#bindings. I found the project TensorFlowSharp. By the moment of write this post it works with TensorFlow 1.9

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Cloning Amazon Go…(1/5)

Mission My work as manager doesn’t allow me to program nearly never. So I will make a personal project this august in my holidays to use some of the new

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Surface PRO 4 analysis – After 2 years of usage (3)

I do not want to finish this serie of articles without updating the status, some things have changed since my last entry. Fortunately, in May, Microsoft rethought its disastrous issue

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Microsoft’s Windows 10 April 2018 Update

Today Windows Update push to my Surface PRO 4 the update to version 1803 (that means Windows 10 april 2018 update). The update takes two hours to install on my

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Surface PRO 4 analysis – After 2 years of usage (2)

As I explain in my previous post, screen issues and battery charger issues are the real problems in my surface. The second one is solved with a 15€ unit buyed

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