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Today Windows Update push to my Surface PRO 4 the update to version 1803 (that means Windows 10 april 2018 update).

The update takes two hours to install on my computer.

Windows 10

I’m happy with Windows 10 features related to “normal” and “developer” users, and very dissapointied with some features in not attended computers. It’s seems really stupid and annoying to do not have an option to only update and restart the system when decided manually. In my work we have a lot of computers that handle IoT workload with windows 10. These computers are critical to the systems that they controls, so restarting these computers without doing it in an scheduled way it’s a shit. Until windows 10 it was possible to indicate Windows to do not update until a manual decision. With windows 10 that seems to not be posible and Microsoft suggest me to use the feedback hub to ask for the feature:

It’s important to have the OS updated with securty patch, but it’s even more important to be able to decide when to restart a computer.

Windows 10 april 2018 update

From my perspective this is the features that I appreciate:

  • Focus Assist: It helps me to do not receive annoying notifications when I want to make a task without interruptions. I like to work in sprints of 20 minutes using a pomodore. This feature helps me to be focused.
  • Dictation: I find useful the hot key Windows + H to activate dictation

The rest of the features seems to be less important to me. I will update the list once I use the system several weeks.


  • The flickering of the screen seems to be worst with this update !?!?!?!?!?
  • Twitter app that was in the start screen disappeared (but really was installed), I need to anchor the app to the start screen again.

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