
Real Time Signal...

This is my personal WEB site. Here you can  find post articles about any of this themes:

  •  Management: because it’s my main activity.
  •  Software engineering: because it’s one of my main passions.
  •  Automation: because it’s the other one.

I started programming in 1982 using a Fujitsu FM-7 (I know it’s not the standard of the day…). But It had some curious characteristics for the time, and I avoided cassette tapes.

  • Two Motorola 68B09 2 MHz processors. One working as a CPU and the other to manage the graphics.
  • 600 x 200 graphic resolution with 8 colors
  • OS-9 Operating System
  • Two 5.25 floppy drives″
  • 3 Free slots, in one of which a Z-80 CPU could be installed

Since then Basic, Assembler, C, C++, PL/SQL, Java, C#, Python, R and JavaScript have been the computer languages I have been using throughout my life.

I have been doing this while developing my interest in automation, electronics and robotics, as well as I study engineering in these areas. An MBA, an IT Management Master and Innovation and Entrepreneurship complete my studies.

I currently dedicate my time to:

  • Innovation and product development.
  • IT management ( ITIL, customer support, etc.).
  • Management of projects teams.

In this site I write about personal interest without any particular objective.

Opinions. The opinions expressed on this website are entirely personal.

Gender. I use him or her indistinctly in the posts. I’m upsetting them anyway.

Comments. My commenting policy is simple:

Comment whatever you want to comment. I will not edit the content or attribution of comments. But I’ll remove any comments If I want.

I don’t delete comments per se. If something is removed it is because it is out of place, does not add value or is a personal attack.