
Real Time Signal...

Siemens PLC (in-)Security

A lot of people think that the PLC security is really high. That’s something that we have ear continnuosly year after year and it’s something that it’s in the current

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Cloning Amazon Go…Hands detection (4/5)

Introduction The objective in this step was to perform hand detection (an essential objective to detect the picking) directly from a video camera, with which I made a prototype capable

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Cloning Amazon Go…Object Detection (3/5)

Introduction The objective that I set to myself was to perform object detection directly from a video camera, so I made a prototype capable of reading from any video camera

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Cloning Amazon Go…(2/5)

First steps My first step was to search some library with TensorFlow C#bindings. I found the project TensorFlowSharp. By the moment of write this post it works with TensorFlow 1.9

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Cloning Amazon Go…(1/5)

Mission My work as manager doesn’t allow me to program nearly never. So I will make a personal project this august in my holidays to use some of the new

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